Friday 16 January 2015

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Hey guys, and welcome to my blog :p
My UK Main user is - Hip/hop/lady!
I'm not very... I don't know. Nice? Lolz. I normally say what I want and then people hate on me for it xD I don't mind it... Hating for someone's opinion is a sign of jealousy ;D I have had so many accounts... My first was called - Country Girl 8, But I deleted that one xD Im very bad with usernames, as im not from the country and I'm not into hip-hop music at all really. I started my first account like 2010 January, I had a level 15 account.. it was quiet high for back then. I dont know what I was doing when I deleted it lolz. No-body knew who I was anyway's xDD Lol, well like this blog will be filled with weird stuff o.0 because im weird like that :') Ly all♥ ;D ~Rachel


  1. I've seen you on blogs and you're behaviour is appalling. You are a bully and stop hating on Alisha, even if she's being a bully. You are a disgrace.


    1. Everyone says I’m going to run into people like you for the rest of my life – great.

    2. Ishacool? No? Idgasr just curious

    3. You are just plain mean. If you reflect on what you're doing, you'll see you are a bully.
      And no, i'm ISHA not ISHACOOL.

    4. I was just asking o-o how am I meant to know e-e

  2. I can't believe I'm actually friends with you on msp. You might want to wash your mouth out with soap gun because honestly you are a bully. IDC if you think Ali is a bully but your far worse then whatever she apparently did. I love angelings and all but you are not true because angelings are a family who support the truth. You just bitch about people on their own blogs?? I'm on nobodies team as I have friends and close friends on both sides but you are NOT an angeling. If you are get your act together and leave Ali alone.
    - bobzi3

  3. Idk why if says gun after soap?**

    1. 1. we havent been friends for ages.
      2. i dont bully, i stand up for myself and friends.
      3. worse? what have i said and called her? shes called me a retard and adept called me a mistake. I dont understand you people.
      4. Its the only team that accepted me, i tried with other and my really close friends told me what they had done to them (if anything happened) So DONT say im not a angeling, its who i am. If you cant handle that fo.
      5. You dnt know my life or what goes on, maybe what adept said and the other things ali said were too hurtful for me to handle? You cant judge someone so fast.
      6. Im friends with both sides too, all sides actually. You think i rly gaf if u r too? :p
      7. bully1
      gerund or present participle: bullying
      use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force them to do something.
      8. cyberbullying
      the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.
      Those were definitions from google :p I have not threatened anyone, but them.. ;)

  4. And why the hell do you lie?

    1. Hm I don't know I can't answer that question as I never do (y) standing up for yourself isn't bullying or lying, it's called hope (y) in which you people keep draining.

    2. 1. You said candi wasnt locked and she is
      2. defending is when your protect, not say nasty things

  5. 1. Lol, i didnt know she was locked xD
    2. Leave me alone sad little girl, you just make me laugh loool

  6. Blah Blah Blah - LIES! If You're Not A Bully, Why Is Everyone Saying You Are?

    1. Because they dont like me... I was mean, but i was only defending myself. I dont care what people call me looool. But you obviously love this blog, i havent replyed for like 2 weeks and your back loool, just looking for attention? is that what your doing? yeah...
